Дата рождения: 21.06.2017
Best Baby International dog show «Russia 2017»
Best Baby International Dog Show «President’s Cup 2017»
Юный Чемпион России
Юный Чемпион Беларуссии
Чемпион России
Чемпион РКФ
Чемпион Белоруссии
15.08.20 г.Рязань- ССС, Best female black-tan, BOB black-tan, R.BIS mono
22.08.20 г.Ковров- ССС, Best female black-tan, BOB black-tan, BIS mono
20.09.20 г.Москва- ССС (1/5 open class), Best female black-tan — 2
BIG — 1, 2, 2
BIS — 4
vWD-clear, ECHO+ECG — no signs of DCM (07-2020)
BH/VT, ОКД-ЗКС, Тест РКФ на характер -1(пожизненно)
Best Baby International Dog Show «President’s Cup 2017»
Юный Чемпион России
Юный Чемпион Беларуссии
Чемпион России
Чемпион РКФ
Чемпион Белоруссии
15.08.20 г.Рязань- ССС, Best female black-tan, BOB black-tan, R.BIS mono
22.08.20 г.Ковров- ССС, Best female black-tan, BOB black-tan, BIS mono
20.09.20 г.Москва- ССС (1/5 open class), Best female black-tan — 2
BIG — 1, 2, 2
BIS — 4
vWD-clear, ECHO+ECG — no signs of DCM (07-2020)
BH/VT, ОКД-ЗКС, Тест РКФ на характер -1(пожизненно)
Заводчик: Инна и Юрий Шавалгины, питомник Legrant Land, Латвия
Владелец: Галина Протасова
HD: A , v WD- clear ZTP: V-1A, BH; IPO-3 Cardio — free (ECHO, Holter 24h) 03-2016 Ramonburg’s Leiko |
Eurocup Winner 2011 ZTP: V-1B, BH,HD: B vWD: clear PPM — clear, PHTVL/PHPV — clear, CATARACT — clear, RD — clear, CEA — clea r Hypoplastia-/Micropapilla — free, PRA — free Juno van’t Genebos |
ZTP: V-1A,HD: B, vWD: clear Lomax Pacino del Fiorsilva |
Dutch Champion, Belgian Champion, International Champion, Luxemburg Champion ZTP: V-1B, IPO-3 HD: A Eres Van’t Genebos |
International Champion (CIE & CIB) Belgian Champion BDCB DV-Siegerin «Koningin» 2010 BH, Test Soc. Behavior, Belgian Charactertest & Selection 1A Ex. ZTP V 1A, GHP/IPO I WGH Tracking + Defense HD/A1, vWD clear Ramonburg’s Hiranya |
ZTP, SchH-1, HD-A Victor Vito del Rio Bianco |
Nederlands Kampioen Limburgs Winner 2005 Jeugdwinster Amsterdam 2004 Belgian Youth winner 2004 prinses BDCB 2004 BH, IPO I, ZTP 1AV Ramonburg’s Carrera |
INTERCHAMPION ( CIE ) Baltic Winner’2014 Lithuanian Winner’2014 Lithuanian Winner’2015 Latvian Champion Lithuanian Champion Estonian Champion Baltic Champion Croatian Champion Romania Champion Belarus Champion Ukrainian Champion Latvian Young Champion Lithuanian Young Champion Estonian Young Champion Baltic Young Champion National Breeding Test HD-A, ED-0 PHTVL/PHPV — free, Cataract — free vWD-carrier EKG, ECHO, Doppler — free (February 2016) Legrant Land Farra Farah |
Interchampion Polish Champion Lithuanian Champion Lithuanian Breed Club Champion Baltic Winner’2007 Lithuanian Klub Winner’2008 HD-1 (PL) / HD-B (D) PHTVL/PHPV — free, Cataract free BH, ZTP -V1B, IPO-2 Hummer Hoch Legrants |
Latvian Winner 2004 Latvian Junior Champion Estonian Junior Champion Lithuanian Youth Champion Baltic Junior Champion Latvian Junior Winner’2002 Estonian Junior Winner’2002 Latvian Champion Estonian Champion Lithuanian Champion Russian Champion Champion of Belarus Latvian Dobermann Club Winner’2003 Estonian Winner’2003 V-Champion class-IDC’03 V4-Open class-Eurodogshow’03 National Training VDK National Test for breeding HD-A, PHTVL/PHPV-free Dester Elsan Haus |
INTERCHAMPION HONOUR CLASS IDC WINNER-2009 Latvian Champion Estonian Champion Lithuanian Champion Baltic Champion Russian Champion Estonian WINNER-2004 Estonian WINNER-2005 «Tracai Cup-2004» Winner «Vilnius Cup-2005» Winner Estonian Dobermann Club Winner-2005 Latvian Dobermann Club Winner-2005 TOP Latvian Doberman Club Dog of Year 2004 TOP Latvian Doberman Club Female of Year 2005 Latvian Young Champion Estonian Young Champion Belarusian Young Champion Russian Young Champion Estonian Junior Winner-2003 TOP Latvian Doberman Club Junior of Year 2003 HD-A, ED-0, PHTVL/PHPV- free, National test for breeding Elsan Haus Aisha-Arisha |
Legrant Land Dakota Dorman | FEDOR DEL NASI | |
JCH LAT,JCH RUS,JCH LIT,JCH EST HD-B Fideja Fargus Legrant |